Discord Channel Token Tracker Bot

If you've joined many, noisy Discord channels and want notifications for ticker or CA mentions across them, you can do so with the Discord Channel Token Tracker Bot.


  1. Slate logs in to your Discord account

    1. Tell Slate team your Discord account login credentials (email/phone number & password)

    2. Tell Slate team any MFA information

  2. Tell the Slate team what servers you want to be notified about

  3. Tell the Slate team about any specialized notifications you'd like

Currently Integrated Notifications

Any of these notifications can be toggled on or off or modified by request.

  1. Whenever a token is mentioned in any requested server

  2. Whenever a token is mentioned in any specific channel of the server (default if you add a server is all channels)

  3. Whenever a token is mentioned in a server/channel by specific users only

  4. Whenever a token is mentioned between 2 different servers/channels

  5. Whenever a token is mentioned multiple times in a certain timeframe

  6. Whenever a token under X mcap is mentioned


Last updated